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[![Screenshot der MARC Relator Codes Seite bei der LoC](https://pad.gwdg.de/uploads/d0439a65-51a6-46fd-9a58-c50ebff47b70.png)](https://www.loc.gov/marc/relators/relaterm.html) --- ## ...to complex with hierarchies <img src="https://pad.lobid.org/uploads/0fe2461a-b90e-4d82-9e45-1553d4ef444f.png" width=700 style="border: none; box-shadow: none;" alt="A part of the British Building and civil engineering vocabulary"> Note: - from British Building and civil engineering – Vocabulary --- ## Controlled vocabularies - How are they published? ~500 of more than 3400 published vocabularies on [![Bartoc logo](https://pad.gwdg.de/uploads/e8ff9c01-2487-4942-bbf5-2bd34fc7c1cd.png =20%x20%)](https://bartoc.org/) are already encoded in SKOS...lots still as PDF or similiar ``` 2040 Online 908 PDF 881 RDF 522 SKOS 517 Printed 484 XML 284 Spreadsheet 185 HTML 171 CSV 140 JSON 113 OWL 111 MADS 89 Zthes 86 JSON-LD 84 XTM 82 DC 82 BS8723-5 69 VDEX 53 Microform 52 Word 42 TXT 35 CD-ROM 32 XSD 30 OBO 27 MARC 25 JSKOS 22 Floppy-Disc 17 Database 10 EPUB 9 Geodata 3 ClaML ``` --- ### ...but where is the problem? PDFs, pure websites, spreadsheets or printed paper are... - ... hard to use - ... hard to find - ... not [FAIR](https://www.go-fair.org/fair-principles/) - ... not suitable for implementation in software (❌ not machine readable) --- ## Openness scale for controlled vocabularies ![](https://pad.gwdg.de/uploads/a5ddb417-17da-42d4-b669-4062a2f80a0b.png) https://5stardata.info/en/ --- ## SKOS for the win *Simple Knowledge Organization System* ### *The* standard for encoding and publishing controlled vocabularies - Web-Standard for controlled vocabularies (W3C) - easy to reuse, adapt, expand and integrate in software --- ## Introduction to SKOS (german) [![](https://pad.gwdg.de/uploads/9db239f2-48e4-4356-a41d-ac4e75c5813a.png)](https://dini-ag-kim.github.io/skos-einfuehrung/) --- ## Ok, SKOS is nice. ## What do I need SkoHub for? --- SkoHub offers multiple possibilities to use SKOS: - [Publication on the Web](https://github.com/skohub-io/skohub-vocabs) - [Reconciliation (e.g. in OpenRefine)](https://github.com/skohub-io/skohub-reconcile) - [Knowledge organization in social networks](https://github.com/skohub-io/skohub-pubsub) --- ### Publication in the web: KDFS classification <a href="https://w3id.org/kdsf-ffk/"><img src="https://pad.lobid.org/uploads/f1a71c32-c74c-4433-b0de-27bdab97fbbc.png" width=750 style="border: none; box-shadow: none;"></a> --- ### Competencies from [NASA dictionaries](https://github.com/nasa/dictionaries/tree/master) <a href="https://test.skohub.io/acka47/nasa-competencies/heads/master/example.org/nasa-competencies/n0.en.html"><img src="https://pad.lobid.org/uploads/d88153d0-0fbe-4718-8da7-a63660e03725.png" alt="NASA Workforce Competencies published with SkoHub Vocabs" width=750 style="border: none; box-shadow: none;"></a> --- ### Publication of vocabularies - search - multilingual - based on structured data (SKOS) - simplifies reuse of SKOS vocabularies in software applications - git-based authoring processes - light-weight --- ## Reconciliation --- ### Use cases for reconciliation - Matching of free keywords with descriptors - Linking of entities in digital editions with authority data - Matching of controlled vocabularies to each other - ... --- ### Reconciliation protocol as a web standard - hbz participates in [Entity Reconciliation Community Group](https://www.w3.org/community/reconciliation/) des W3C mit - Documentation and improvment of reconciliation API - Provision of tools for development --- Multiple [clients](https://reconciliation-api.github.io/census/clients/) are already supporting the specification, e.g.: --- ### OpenRefine <a href="https://openrefine.org/"><img src="https://pad.gwdg.de/uploads/752f41c6-3191-4b67-9976-a639826d87ed.png" width=800 style="border: none; box-shadow: none;"></a> --- ### Cocoda <a href="https://coli-conc.gbv.de/cocoda/"><img src="https://pad.gwdg.de/uploads/17402e0c-d4b2-46ee-8148-51079bfa7bd1.png" width=800 style="border: none; box-shadow: none;"></a> --- ### TEI Publisher <a href="https://teipublisher.com/index.html"><img src="https://pad.gwdg.de/uploads/52c79872-6be7-4498-9dbe-2f174c46bb55.png" width=800 style="border: none; box-shadow: none;"></a> --- ### Alma Refine <a href="https://developers.exlibrisgroup.com/appcenter/alma-refine/"><img src="https://pad.gwdg.de/uploads/a2f73a51-53af-4b89-8005-4c06e6d68a3d.png" width=800 style="border: none; box-shadow: none;"></a> --- ## Knowledge organization in social networks --- ### Organisation & interaction in social networks <ul style="list-style-type: none;"> <li> 💡 controlled vocabularies becoming social actors </li> <li> ➡️ Building communities around vocabularies </li> </ul> --- Example: Resources are annotated using a controlled vocabulary... ![](https://pad.gwdg.de/uploads/05755ab7-0674-4fac-986d-118de2fc469d.png) --- ...people follow a topic and are immediatley informed about that resource. ![](https://pad.gwdg.de/uploads/1967c54a-3227-4c98-98ab-615f2e723c5c.png) --- ### Outlook * [Development of SKOS SHACL shape](https://github.com/skohub-io/shapes/) and validator * Redevelopment of PubSub module --- ### SkoHub is for the community * Open-source-software * Open community with hbz as maintainer * Transparent development on GitHub ([CONTRIBUTING.md](https://github.com/skohub-io/skohub-vocabs/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md), [Kanban Board](https://github.com/orgs/skohub-io/projects/4)) * Got a problem? Open an [issue](https://github.com/skohub-io/skohub.io/issues). * **Discuss now** in the Q&A part --- ## Take Home Message *You are working with controlled vocabularies?* ➡️ **Use SKOS!** *You are looking for an easy way to publish controlled vocabularies?* ➡️ **Use SkoHub** # Thank you! --- ## Links I - [SKOS Introduction DINI AG KIM (german)](https://dini-ag-kim.github.io/skos-einfuehrung/#/) - [Editing systematics on GitHub (german)](https://service-wiki.hbz-nrw.de/display/SEM/Bearbeitung+der+Systematiken+auf+GitHub) - [Introduction to SKOS (german)](https://pad.gwdg.de/s/OCbQBibi2#) - [SWIB22 (english)](https://pad.gwdg.de/2022-11-30-swib22-skos-workshop-slides?both#) - [SkoHub-Slides of a SKOS-Workshops, 30. November 2022 (english)](https://pad.gwdg.de/p/2022-11-30-swib22-skos-workshop-slides) --- ## Links II - Fork an setup of SkoHub-Docker-Vocabs-Repository step by step from slide 51 on: https://pad.gwdg.de/p/2022-11-30-swib22-skos-workshop-slides#/51 - Guide on configuring permanent URIs with W3ID oder purl.org: https://git.io/JPWsI --- ## Examplary vocabularies * Higher Education Resource Types (Destatis) ([vocabulary](https://w3id.org/kim/hcrt/scheme), [repo](https://github.com/dini-ag-kim/hcrt)) * Interdisciplinary research field classification ([vocabulary](https://w3id.org/kdsf-ffk/ ), [repo](https://github.com/KDSF-FFK/kdsf-ffk)) * [NASA Workforce Competencies](https://skohub.io/acka47/nasa-competencies/heads/master/example.org/nasa-competencies/n0.en.html)
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